17 August 2009


Seems pretty standard for a blog, so here goes...

My name's Ryan Whitehead, I'm a frequent gamer of many platforms who has a lot to say about the realm of video games, old and new. I'm an aspiring game developer, learning C++ and hopefully going to Keele University to study Creative Computing, which basically entails general programming and basic computer science, graphics editing and game design all in one, and it also involves a dual honours thing in Music Technology, so essentially I'll have all the skills I need to enter any part of the games industry.

With this blog I hope to detail both ideas I have had for games themselves, along with issues I've noticed arising within various gaming communities, game developers, the games themselves and their connection with other forms of the entertainment industry. As this is a blog, I hope to receive comments you may have, and I'm glad to discuss various things although I must point out now I am rather closed minded in my opinions, rarely giving in to many arguements against my views, so please don't be upset if you're unable to sway me from disliking Halo (specifically its fanbase), loving the PC as both a gaming and general use system etc.

If you wish to contact me, whether it be to discuss games or really anything, or just to invite me to a game of something, I'm available on three pretty major IM systems, and you can always email me:
AIM: Teundusia
WLM: r.w2@hotmail.co.uk
YIM: RYjet911
Email (Preffered): ryan.whitehead2@gmail.com
Email (Secondary): spacemarinealex@gmail.com

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